Additional Resources

  • The Three Pillars

    The Three Pillars

    The Three Pillars offer a core framework to the MTAM approach. MTAM aims to support positive relationships between professionals and to enable organisations to work more collaboratively. When relationships and collaboration are in place then learning and change can occur through reflective processes.

  • Trauma Recovery Model

    Trauma Recovery Model

    The Trauma Recovery Model is useful for understanding where a client might in their recovery journey. It can help us consider any expectations or assumptions that might be involved when building a team around an individual.

    The model highlights the importance of early assertive engagement and relationship building. It can help a team with planning and sharing accountability, working towards more stability and giving a client ownership of their team.

  • Adult safeguarding and homelessness

    Adult safeguarding and homelessness

    This briefing paper offers insight into shared system barriers, legal frameworks and effective practice for those experiencing multiple disadvantage within adult safeguarding. It offers guidelines on what the system can work towards to improve practice at all levels.

  • The King's Fund

    A reflective learning framework for partnering

    This tool from The King’s Fund can be helpful for us – as practitioners and organisations – to reflect on how we are developing effective partnerships.

  • System Changers

    System Changers: 'From where I stand.'

    This 2016 case study by Lankelly Chase describes how to generate change through collaborative multi-agency working, and explores how change can happen in the context of direct practice. It describes the foundation of the My Team Around Me approach.

  • Human Learning Systems

    Human Learning Systems

    The Human Learning Systems website has a good bank of research and guidance for how to work more effectively and systematically within the health and social care systems.

  • The King's Fund

    The King's Fund

    The King’s Fund website offers a large resource of reports and learning summaries, webinars and training opportunities. There are also useful resources about Integrated Care Systems and reports on system issues and methods of practice.

  • Dignifi logo

    Understanding Trauma, Dignifi

    Dignifi was established in 2017 to support people and systems to recover from trauma and adversity. They recognise that service delivery alone isn’t enough, we want to give the people who use our services a voice in shaping the future design and delivery of cross-sector solutions and innovative new ways of working.

  • Zone of Fabulousness logo

    Zone of Fabulousness

    The “Zone of Fabulousness” is the space wherein people referred to as clients are at the centre of the work, and workers are connected to each other through collective ethics, shouldering each other up, bringing believed-in-hope, and engaging in collective care that is in addition to self-care in collaborative, creative, messy and imperfect ways.