The Learning Collective is a space for those who support people experiencing multiple disadvantage to connect and collaborate. These pages include an overview of activities such as groups, networks, and collaborative spaces, as well as resources and learning events.  

Changing Futures works with three client cohorts from the wider population of people facing multiple disadvantage, and many of the resources here are directly related to the experiences of our clients. 

If you know of any useful learning, information, examples of best practice, or approaches to system change that you think would be helpful for others and that you would like to share here then please check our contributions guidelines and get in touch: 

Coproduction with Lived Experience

We are learning about the most effective ways to do coproduction with people with lived experience, facing multiple disadvantage, can influence and improve our services and support - find out more here.

Trauma Informed Approaches

Changing Futures is learning about trauma informed approaches across the system and thinking with others about how we can all become more trauma informed. Read more here.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

People facing multiple disadvantage experience significant blocks and barriers and are often treated unequally and unfairly. Find out what we are learning and doing here.

My Team Around Me

We are learning and developing a ‘My Team Around Me’ approach to working with people who experience multiple disadvantage. Read more here.

Learning spaces

Across the Changing Futures partnership, people are meeting to collaborate, build relationships and share learning in order to change and improve things for people who experience multiple disadvantage. Find out more here.

Resources: Multiple Disadvantage

At Changing Futures we hope to learn from and build on existing learning about working with people facing multiple disadvantage. Here are some resources that inform our work and which you might find useful.