Trauma-informed approaches

The impact of trauma on society is widespread and it can deeply affect how people experience the world - and how individuals access services.

Trauma-informed approaches acknowledge the prevalence of trauma in society, recognise the signs and symptoms of trauma and resist re-traumatising people. By using knowledge about trauma, we can build safe and compassionate relationships and environments in which recovery from trauma is possible.

Changing Futures is committed to supporting the system to embrace trauma informed approaches. We want to learn and to help share learning across Bristol, continuing to develop the knowledge and skills for us all to respond to trauma effectively.

If you’d like to talk to us about trauma-informed approaches and activities, please drop us an email:

Below are some resources that we find really helpful, as well as some content from Changing Futures. Let us know what you think! And if you have something you’d like to share on this page then please get in touch.

  • BNSSG Principles for Trauma Informed Practice

    BNSSG Principles for Trauma Informed Practice

    Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) trauma-informed subgroup is inviting organisations in the region to sign up to this document which lays out principles for trauma-informed practice.

  • BNSSG Knowledge and Skills Framework

    BNSSG Knowledge and Skills Framework

    An important reference point for our work is the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) trauma informed knowledge and skills framework.

  • BNSSG Knowledge and Skills Framework Implementation Toolkit

    BNSSG Knowledge and Skills Framework Implementation Toolkit

    This document is implementation toolkit for the BNSSG trauma informed knowledge and skills framework.

  • NHS Education for Scotland

    Transforming Psychological Trauma: a Scottish perspective

    The Scottish Knowledge and Skills Framework informed the BNSSG work. We find it to be user-friendly and readable and evaluates (to some extent) what they were able to achieve from a trauma informed perspective.

  • TEDx

    Good relationships are the key to healing trauma

    Dr Karen Treisman’s TEDx talk on relationships and trauma is also a helpful resource for thinking about how we repair relational trauma with relationships themselves.

  • Poster: six trauma informed principles

    Poster: six trauma informed principles

    This poster showcases the six trauma informed principles that Changing Futures subscribes to and is displayed in our office. We use it as a reminder and a prompt to consider trauma in our work, the relationships we build and the interactions we have with others. Feel free to download it and use it too.

  • Second Step trauma and adversity informed approaches

    Trauma and Adversity Informed Approaches

    This is a set of resources intended to compliment the Trauma and Adversity Informed Approaches training at Second Step (Changing Futures partner organisation)

  • Report: Understanding staff wellbeing in homelessness services

    In summer 2023 the Centre for Homelessness Impact (CHI) and Changing Futures Bristol ran workshops with frontline staff and managers to talk about staff wellbeing. CHI produced a report which describes the workshops, discussions on the day, and highlights promising practice and recommendations for the future.