Equality, diversity and inclusion
People who face multiple disadvantage experience significant blocks and barriers and are often treated unequally and unfairly. Because of this, a consideration of issues surrounding Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is integral to the work of the Changing Futures partnership.
We are committed to addressing these issues through embracing diversity; creating equitable and inclusive approaches to ensure our clients are inspired to have a life beyond services.
If you’d like to talk to us about EDI approaches and activities, please drop us an email: info@changingfuturesbristol.co.uk
Below are some resources that we find really helpful, as well as some content from Changing Futures. Let us know what you think! And if you have something you’d like to share on this page then please get in touch.
Changing Futures EDI sessions
As a part of our EDI values and principles we want to be inclusive, and to support this, we have created spaces for Changing Futures staff to bring forward concerns, questions and topics. These sessions are run regularly, and you can read here about some of the topics that have come up. Let us know if you’re having similar conversations!
Equity and Equality
This video looks at the difference between equity and equality. Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.
2023 Diversity and Inclusion Calendar
We have created a diversity and inclusion calendar that highlights historical, cultural, and religious events of diverse groups, and their impact on our work: how can we accommodate cultural and religious needs in the workplace? You can download the calendar here - feel free to share, print and use in your own spaces.
EDI Principles Poster
This poster showcases the six EDI principles that Changing Futures subscribes to and is displayed in our office. We use it as a reminder and a prompt to consider and understand how equality, diversity and inclusion matter in our work, the relationships we build and the interactions we have with others. Feel free to download it and use it too.
Changing Futures EDI Steering Group
It is important that our EDI work is reviewed regularly and is driven and supported by external stakeholders across our programme. The steering group is made up of people with lived experience and professionals from different sectors who are connected to our cohorts.
Equality Act 2010: Guidance
The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society.
It provides a legal framework to protect the rights of individuals and advances equality of opportunity for everybody.
Get serious about diversity and inclusion
Janet Stovall shares a three-part action plan for creating workplaces where people feel safe and expected to be their unassimilated, authentic selves. This TED talk covers how we can learn about diversity at work and use it to transform the things we do, think and say outside the office.
Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT)
Public Health England has produced a Health Equity Assessment Tool to help professionals identify and address health inequalities and equity in their area. The tool provides a general introduction to health inequalities and equity - as well as examples of good practice - that can be used across services.
Report: Gender and Severe and Multiple Disadvantage
This report explores why experiences for women who experience multiple disadvantage differ so greatly to men across Bristol, and what services can do to support people most effectively.
You can read the report here. If you prefer, you can watch a recording of a webinar about the report here, or find out more via the button below.