Meet the team
I oversee the delivery of the programme. This includes ensuring that Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, a Trauma Informed approach and Lived Experience are integral to everything we do. I bring our partners together to understand and engage with Changing Futures as I see it as a resource for the whole city to work more effectively to support people facing multiple disadvantage.
I love a challenge and I care deeply about doing better for people facing multiple disadvantage. As a compassionate society and city, I believe we should never give up and that we should keep an open door to support people when they are ready.
System leadership and system change, creating learning environments
With a wide and varied programme, my role is to support the bringing together of interdependencies and people and help to facilitate opportunities to create lasting legacy for people experiencing multiple disadvantages through our key areas of work.
I love ambiguous and uncertain environments and am passionate about making the world just a little bit more equitable.
sense making, meaning making, compassionate enquiry, consensus building, equity, trauma informed, coaching and cats!
I am responsible for the conception, implementation and delivery of our model of practice that will be our vehicle to working better for those facing multiple disadvantage.
The system does not work for those facing multiple disadvantage. We know that a more systemic approach helps. This means a holistic approach, better relationships and coordination between services and generating space to reflect and learn from multiple perspectives, working together to make sense of complexity and challenge the status quo
My Team Around Me, the 3 pillars, systemic practice, reflective practice and outdoor pursuits.
I manage the involvement of people with Lived Experience with several Changing Futures workstreams, incl. events, multidisciplinary meetings, peer research, interview panels and policy review. We take a coproduction approach, with an emphasis on the acquisition of skills and knowledge.
I have experienced the potential of occupation as a way to rehabilitation, to wellbeing and to meaning in life. I wish to create more pathways to employment and meaningful occupation to support people out of passive treatment and into active recovery.
Lived Experience involvement in organisations and coproduction of care, knowledge, and governance. Also, ask me anything really, I’m a geek.
I support the Changing Futures team to evidence our impact.
I love using data as a tool to find better ways of working.
Theory of Change, Excel, and Surfskate
I support the delivery of the Changing Future Programme. I aim to improve outcomes for adults experiencing multiple disadvantage. I am involved with developing the My Team Around Me (MTAM) Approach and I work along side our partner agencies building our collective skills to achieve cultural and system change.
Previously working with Bristol City Council, towards the Supported Families Objectives and supporting delivery of the Local Data Accelerator Programme, I have experience in improving outcomes for vulnerable people and achieving system change. With the establishment of the Integrated Care Boards, I want to support Bristol contributing to how they operate and they achieve the best outcomes for Bristol..
Talk to me about Project Management Methodology, Systems Thinking and Batman.
My role is to support the Service Coordinators in the delivery of the My Team Around Me approach, ensuring that all interactions are Trauma Informed, EDI and hold the 4 principles as a baseline. As the approach gains more evidence, I am working alongside other agencies to incorporate identifiable aspects of the approach within their work.
I came to Changing Futures as I was aware of all the good work in the city but could see how barriers could get in the way for workers and clients. I hoped that as part of a team I might be able to redress this.
MTAM, working collaboratively, collective safety plans and the concept of rocket science.