Specialist training from Womankind and Missing Link, developed to raise awareness and understanding of the inequalities faced by women.
‘This 3 hour interactive training has been designed to help all mental health practitioners better understand the depth and breadth of the inequalities and intersectionality of the women - including those who identify as women - that they are supporting. It looks at what this means over the lifecycle of a woman, and participants will have the opportunity to meet and hear the unique experiences of service users.’
The training session runs alternate Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and is three hours long (10am-1pm). For more information and to book your free place, please follow this link.
If the slots do not work for you or your working schedule, a separate session for your team or organisation can be arranged at a different time and date. Please email womankind@missinglinkhousing.co.uk for more information.