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Black Led Forum November 2022

Why a Black Led Forum?

Black led organisations are under appreciated, especially around supporting multiple disadvantaged people in our communities. It can feel disempowering.

We want to create a space where Black led organisations in Bristol, with expertise and knowledge of our community’s needs, are acknowledged, appreciated and have a voice in influencing system change.

What is this forum about?

This is a safe space to share and create ideas and empower Black led organisations to tackle issues around people experiencing multiple disadvantage such as mental ill health, domestic abuse, offending, substance misuse and homelessness across the system.

More information:

The Black Led Forum takes place online (Microsoft Teams). For more information on this month’s event, and to attend, please email Temba Mahari:

9 November

Women's Inequalities Training Sessions (Womankind and Missing Link)

8 December

Coproduction Principles Webinar